How Carrie used Animaker Voice to bridge the language gap between her and her students?
Voice Case Study - Carrie

Meet Carrie Anne Harrell, a Theater Arts Teacher at Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts, Trenton Public Schools, New Jersey. She joined Hedgepeth/Williams Middle School of the Arts in September 2018 as a Theater Arts teacher. She has been teaching several students ever since. Carrie teaches students from different language backgrounds. So the majority of […]


Importance of Education Technology in teaching and learning!
Importance of Education Technology for teaching and learning

Education has only one purpose. Equip the young for tomorrow. Ten thousand years ago, this meant hunting or farming. But in today’s concrete jungle, things have changed. There is only one variable that can solve the problems of tomorrow. Creativity. [Source: Bryan M Mathers] In today’s world, unpredictability is the only thing which doesn’t change.Things […]


3 ways to use Sports Animation in Education!
Sports animation for Education

There is no denying the fact that teachers play a crucial role in the early stages of an individual’s life. Spending 8 hours a day and 5 days a week with students, a teacher is sure to become one of the most influential people in a student’s life. The advent technological gadgets and the internet […]



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